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how this workbook will help you
If you've got a conference to plan, this workbook package is your new best friend.
After all, it's up to you to make sure this year's event is better than last year's - and on top of that you probably still have your day job to do.
But don't sweat it, we've got your back!
Our colourful, interactive workbook contains top tips and exercises that will give you new and fresh ideas to make your conference awesome. By signing up below, you'll receive the 10-page workbook and the accompanying 2-week series of coaching emails and videos, plus an invitation to book an inspiration call with us.
We've designed this package so you can experience The So Team approach and tools. It will take you through the thought process we’ve used with leadership teams all over the world to ensure their events are high-impact, memorable and fun.
The workbook package is designed to
plan your best conference ever
If you'd like to receive our Awesome Conference Package, we'd just ask that you submit a few key details below. We promise you'll be glad you did!
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